Friday, October 23, 2009

Why The (Sad) Face?

So today is yet another historical day for me. As Joshua Radin says, I’ve “got some growing up to do.” I found out yesterday that I have to “surrender” my car to the insurance company because we’ve decided to total it. WHAT? I started tearing up because I thought I had another week with Trout Scout. So I’ve started the process of cleaning out the car and saying my goodbyes. I’m pretty sad and we had a nice ride into work together today, rain and all. I’ll go get a rental car for the week, turn in my car and then start the process of buying a car, which means loans and signing and make real decisions.

This leads me to continue wondering when I can call myself a real adult. Now? After I get a car? When I get a house? I don’t know, but I feel grown-up a little more every day because of this. But just when I’m starting to feel older, I get reminded that I’m not. This is the bathroom I use at work:
Make sure you catch the “good hygiene” poster on the wall, the training toilet and the step stool if you’re too small to use the sink. That’s right… I feel like a big kid when I go in there every day. I kinda don’t want to explain it, but if you need it, you should know it’s the bathroom that the childcare uses. I'm a reeaaallll boooooy!

I don’t know what I’m getting myself into, but glad that I’m sort of being forced into this change. I’m really excited about getting a new car because I’ve had a really hard time with the jeep since I got it. I’ve never felt safe and it’s cost a lot of money. So I’m glad to let it go but as you know, I’m terribly sentimental, so I think I’m headed to an early afternoon breakdown. But these are the things I’m looking forward to about getting a new car:

1) brakes
2) windows that roll down = drive thrus!
3) a transmission that actually works
4) driving up hills with ease or just driving up hills, period.
5) gas pedal that doesn’t stick
6) heater that works within 30 minutes
7) driving home or wherever I want
8) starting my car in the rain
9) no oil leak puddles in front our our house

So it’s going to be awesome! Watch out world. I’m excited and maybe I’ll have a new car very soon. And maybe you'll see my car parts at Pull-A-Part soon. Don’t worry, I’d love to take you for a ride, you won’t even have to ask. I’d like to finish with a moment of silence for Trout Scout. It’s been good… RIP.

1989-2009, 317,400+ miles. No survivors.


  1. I'd like to dedicate this to Trout/Scout

  2. the "no survivors" still makes me laugh. love it. looking forward to seeing a new car soon!
