Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday slumday

hello dear family, friends and maybe a few randos,

well, this weekend has been fairly lazy for me, but I did manage to go to a pi-yo class on Saturday morning. turns out it's a pilates/yoga class. I actually enjoyed it a lot. it focused a little more on the pilates side, so I'm definitely a little sore today. out of shape, party of one, your pi-yo class is now ready. the studio is in Homewood, and I really like the place and the teacher who taught the class. I'd like to try out a few of their other classes, but I'm thinking about doing a temporary membership. and I'll be going to a hot yoga class downtown tomorrow night. I don't know that I'm as excited about this one, but I have no doubt that it'll be an interesting experience. some girls from Luckie are going, so there may be more "haha's" than "ohms" but we'll see.

I've really been trying to get on a healthier, happier, more focused kick as of late. I've nearly cut out coke from my life, which is a very strange thing but it's been pretty easy. I'm drinking tons more water everyday, trying to eat healthier and apparently going to yoga. and I'm a full-fledged LOST fan, and if that doesn't fulfill your life there's not much more you can try. super pumped about the premiere on Tuesday!

I got to see Garrison Starr play Bottletree a couple weeks ago! it was pretty sweet to see her in an intimate setting, and since it wasn't super crowded we got to chat with her for a good bit afterwards. she was insanely nice and didn't seem to mind that I bugged her about her other musical venture, Among the Oak & Ash. I finally got to hear "Gardenia" live (another benefit of seeing someone play a smaller venue: they listen when you shout out requests). I recorded it on my phone...apologies for not the greatest of audio. but I love this song and have always wanted to hear her play it live. she's always had real honesty and rawness in her voice and lyrics. I like that. (tried to upload it here, but it wasn't working so here's a link to my mobileme gallery if you'd like to take a look...and a listen.)

and I also got another "mel face" picture!

Ash, I'm always a little jealous of your town when I see your pics. but I don't think I could handle the cold. I'm already uber ready for spring here in the 'ham. hope you're acing all your classes and keep making the rest of us look like IMC riff-raff. and I hope you'll learn how to cope with no more OMG texts about LOST coming to you all the time!

enjoy the week, kids! it starts off with Monday, but I hear it gets better. and LOST is back on Tuesday. what...a fan I've become!

hearts all over the world tonight,

Saturday, January 30, 2010

the lakecicle.

Lake Michigan is officially covered with ice. I don't think the lake has really frozen solid, but still. here's a video.

Here are a few pics.
My neighbor took this one, I can't take credit for it
I came across this photo tonight. I like it a lot.

I just bought the new Vampire Weekend CD. Feel free to send any new wonderful CDs to me :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Year, New Room

Let's start with a confession. I watch Hoarders and I'm convinced that I'm one personal disaster away from being one. So... I’ve been rearranging/reorganizing my room since last weekend and it's almost done. I’ve added in a 2x8’ chalkboard-- well it was a piece of wood that I made into a chalkboard with some help from Lowe’s. I'm very excited about a new room and I might just have to add in a new purchase from the holidays… a map. It’s an old classroom roll-down map that I got at an antique store when I was staying with my aunt and uncle. I’m thrilled to own it and if I can’t put it in the living room, it will be going up in my bedroom. If the big map goes in the living room, then my other map that I’ve had framed since 2005 and have never hung will go up, maybe beside Aunt Maline’s creepy portrait. I'll also be making room for my Paul Cordes Wilm piece, so stay tuned.

My trip to see my aunt also produced good fruit other than the map purchase. She passed down my grandfather’s camera to me and I was super excited about it because I had never seen or heard about it before. I did some research and it’s a 1935 Zeiss Ikonta 530/2.
He got it in Germany before the war and I’m not sure how much he used it but it’s in great condition and I have 3 lenses for it too. So I finally bought some film for it and have taken 2 pictures so far. It’s super sweet but takes some time to actually take the picture and get everything ready. It might be an expensive attempt to test it out, but I’ll let you know when I get the film developed. They should be pretty cool pictures even if they contain lame subject matter, but we will not be wasting film on stupid faces.

As for SAD, you know the treatment, Liz Lemon: Sun, St. John's Wort and human interaction. Oh and don't live in Chicago or Seattle. If you need actual attention, we can work on that or Casey Clardy can reply with a treatment plan.

Ashley, you asked for some reviews, so here you go:

Fantastic Mr. Fox:
Greatest movie I’ve seen in a while and I went to see it again last week. It’s very clever and fast and not as predictable as I thought. Great soundtrack and it’s amazing to see how much work they put into making movies of this style. It's a cuss of a lot better than others I've seen this year, but that might be because I can’t remember other movies I’ve seen pre-October. Go see it!

Vampire Weekend's "Contra":
They’ve been getting a lot of press lately and some interviews have said the new CD was going to be great. This was much anticipated for me (because I like them a lot), but I feel like I didn’t know this album was coming out until 2 weeks before it did. I know… shocker. Reviewers said VW is known for their unusual African beat and I almost thought they were crazy until I bought the new album myself. Yep, African beat is a good way to describe it, and it’s almost a little “islander” in the rest of the percussion. It’s really good so far and I’ve been listening to “Cousins” since they released it as a single and it’s one of the fastest from the album. "Contra" is a good slow one and "Diplomat's Son" is really good. This album is just as upbeat as the last and maybe even more so. We're still just talking and becoming friends, but I think it will compare well to the previous release. Buy it!

Buyer's Remorse:
Dead Weather's "Horehound" - it should be awesome with all-stars under Jack White's lead, but it's not... sorry. I'm more mad than anyone that this didn't pan out.

The Beatles "White Album" - Okay, before we begin, no I don't think this was a bad purchase or bad album, but I wish I could buys single songs from them on iTunes because let's be honest, who knows all of the songs on this album? You don't, don't act like you do. So I bought the #1's and that helped. Don't get me wrong, I love the Beatles more than you, but I don't have money for songs I'm probably not going to listen to that much. Upside: great album to add to my collection when Jesus judges me on my musical taste. Yes, that's going to happen, read your bible.

I have some other updates on the organization known as my family, but those will have to wait. Okay Tina, I'm out. Miami 2014!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I blame Delilah

Well Melissa, now you've gone and done it. You've given me S.A.D. What's that you say? It's not contaigous? Well, all I can say is that I'm glad I'm not listening to Delilah or living in this grey, sunless land would be unbearable. Yes, I do think I'm battling seasonal affective disorder...not trying to hop on some trend, but I really miss sunshine.

Snow is on the way soon. You both fail for not blogging more. I am blogging to procrastinate homework. I did conquer my clothes mountain today and did 3 loads of laundry. Load 4 is saved for another day.

My new Reebok EasyTone shoes are on their way from China to Odenville, then will be sent from Odenville to Chicago...they're going to be well traveled. I'll let you know how toned I feel once I get them.

Upcoming Schedule of events:
1/26 - Media Economics assignment due, IMC Strategic Process case due
1/28 - Statistics and Market Research project due
2/2 - LOST! Bella and I are excited to welcome back our favorite show. Hosting a little gathering at my I should call Merry Maids now. :)
2/4 - Matt Hires at Schubas
3/5 - Citizen Cope @ Vic Theatre
3/8 - Finals round one
3/16 - Finals round two followed by...
4/30 - Owl City @ Aragon Entertainment Center

It's amazing how quickly time can pass and how slow it can feel all at the same time.

I'm out of the music loop, so please let me know what CDs I need to acquire.

Ok, I should really do work now.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Walkin in a Winter Wonderland...and it's freakin cold.

Happy New Year! I hope you guys have continued our new year's eve tradition of making new friends and having awkward dining experiences.
Well, school wasted no time in kicking my butt and we've hit the ground running. Meanwhile, Chicago winter is in full force. While you Alabama kids were closing down the state for 1/4 of an inch of snow, I think we got about a foot...and I walked to school during the snowstorm. I finally charged my camera and took pics of the snow that remains to share with you all.
This first photo, the true shore stops pretty much where the white snow stops. We have an ice coast/cliff now from the waves washing up and freezing.
Here's a better view of the ice.
and again

Ice Ice everywhere!!!

Finally, the cutest snow-loving dog in the world.
Take luck!
Ashley and Bella