Tuesday, October 6, 2009

so I wake up, and I'm in this dumpster in Connecticut...

so I woke up yesterday and felt like I had dislocated my shoulder. have no fear, I think it's located in the correct spot, but it hurt like no other. I was pretty proud of myself for doing a one-handed hair washing. drying the hair is another story. I borrowed a heating pad from someone at work, which helped a lot throughout the day. however, I'm pretty sure I looked a bit of a fool trying to keep the heating pad between my low back chair and my banged up shoulder blade. good times. I also took a muscle relaxer, and I am not gonna lie to you....good times there too.

I'm feeling much better today. I got a lot of sleep, took some legal drugs, actually ate breakfast and took my one-a-day energy vitamin. this Tuesday could be pretty historic.

SUBJECT CHANGE: I finally used some of the painting supplies I bought, oh, about a year ago. I painted on a small canvas--an 8 1/2 x 11, I believe. I'll be straight with y'all--it's by no means good. it shows no true artistic talent. the drawing isn't even remotely original or creative. and it may look like something a 12-year-old would have done. but, I genuinely like it a lot, and I really enjoyed the time working on it. I want to keep playing around with painting and other artistic whatnots. maybe I'll take a picture of it and share it on this fine blog. I wrote a line from a new BC song on it.....I know, I would.

speaking of 'ol Brandi Carlile, the new album is so insanely good. it's been playing non-stop on the record player since last Tuesday. it definitely has a different feel than her others. I don't know that I like it better than her previous stuff, but it's absolutely just as good. Give Up the Ghost just feels a little more raw and vulnerable, and I appreciate that. the WorkPlay concert is this Sunday.....oooooooo OOOOOOO! i. am. ready.

alright, I'm gonna wrap it up. but I will close saying that, aside from the obvious trip to Chicago next spring, I really want to take a trip to California. and I want to pronounce that the way Arnold Schwarzenegger says it. AND, by going to Google to make sure I spelled his name correctly just now, I found this little treat:


my favorite is the teenage pregnancy sound clip.

I really have to go now. enjoy the week.

one love,


  1. um, i hope that you painted while you were on muscle relaxers. and i'm sorry i didn't get a phone call last night during that. i would love to see this adventure in paint. ALSO, i like that you "never have any money" but you're planning to big trips for the spring. but it is a good plan so congrats on that. two loves!

  2. well, I painted the night before I apparently slept on top of my shoulder. and I will for sure call you next time I'm on some relaxers. AND I don't think I've ever said that I "never have any money." I just try to be selective on what I spend my money on...you know, the important things. music and booze. I'm kidding about one of those. let's go to CA. thanks in advance...

  3. i'll go to CA with you as long as we don't live there. you're welcome in advance... speaking of, any reply?
