Friday, October 23, 2009

Cloudy With a Chance of Being Blown Off of the Sidewalk

So I'm in the midst of midterms, and can't write much, but I often say "oh the weather sucks today, it's rainy and windy." This, friends, is what I'm greeted with to walk Bella in the mornings on bad weather days.

So yeah, there's the wind...and the waves....and the spittle rain....heavy rain just makes things more exciting. Side note: the car that looks like it almost hit me was further away than it looks. no worries, I didn't have a brush with death.

I can only imagine what it's going to be like when there's a blizzard or something. yikes.

Moment of silence for Trout Scout....

Moment of jubilation for Amy Schell driving around in a new car!!!!! wooo!

Moment of sadness that I'm not there to carve pumpkins with y'all tonight.

Moment of happiness at how awesome the Office and Flash Forward episodes were that I caught up on with the help of RCN on demand :)

Moment of happiness that Clayton visited last weekend!

Can't get enough of this.

Oh, and I just listed my first item for sell on eBay. I'm only how many years behind on being cool for doing this?

Miss you! See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. i hate technology. i commented on this before and i won't show up. i don't even remember what i said anymore. something about your windy city being silly. and something about welcoming charlie back to tv, even if he's not charlie. did you see about when they discussed the black swan? too much overlap? i think not.

    thanks for the moment of silence.
