Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Patrick's Jamie

I usually have the best dreams, and by “best” I mean impossible and too odd to explore. My childhood reoccurring dream was of me being chased forever until I got to a red brick wall and was stuck. My teenage and early adulthood reoccurring dream was of me at my childhood home that was being burglarized. But I would escape each time by going to our “secret room” attic closet and jumping from the roof. I would then run on all fours and almost transform into a cheetah and run super fast into the woods toward the barn. And yes, running on all fours doubles your speed. I had a really crazy dream last night and it was the last in series of weird dreams this week. Usually I can only remember the highlights of my dream, but last night’s was all highlights so I’ll share. It included the following in no particular order:

I’m at work, just for a regular day, but our IT department (which included people from SU that don’t work at SL) was acting like it was St. Patrick’s Day. I knew in the dream that it wasn’t still March, so it made it even better that they were all dressed in green clothes and hats racing by on razor scooters. As I followed them into the call center, I was surrounded by their friends…leprechauns, who were a mix between real ones and others with oompa loompa-style hair and clothes. They were all VERY happy and were singing and dancing and laughing hysterically while eating chocolate moon pies. There were some other things like midgets or kids or something that sort of hung out with the leprechauns, but I don’t remember that part. There may have been confetti; it was wild. Also, Eron had picked up smoking and was already super addicted and her fingers were turning yellow as she smoked all over everyone’s cubicle. But she left because she had to go to her after-work job at a discount Disney store at the mall, which of course was located through a tunnel from our editorial suite. Two doors down in another meeting room, the area transformed into a cozy cabin/house as Ridds invited me in. She introduced me to a few family members of a little cub scout. He looked like Augustus Gloop and his rosy round-faced family matched. Ridds wanted me to volunteer my time to helping this scout, but I kindly declined as I wondered over to the Disney store to pick up a few things.

I thought it was a great way to start off Friday. I would like to blame this dream on the creepy song from the preview of next week’s LOST. Thank you Gene Wilder!

If you are still reading, I would also like to briefly share that we went to the Jennifer Knapp concert this past Friday and it was pretty interesting. We had a nice little chat with her and she signed some stuff for us. J.Knapp has officially come back to the music world and also came out to Christianity Today. I think there was a lot of speculation around the topic and now it’s over. CNN has also posted a story about it. We had a lively discussion at work about the whole thing and I’m curious about what you think… any thoughts?

Also, I was introduced to Lala, a new music site, by a co-worker. It’s like a web-based iTunes. You can upload your music library on there and listen to it from anywhere via the Internet. You can also buy web-fed music for very cheap, and also buy real albums and mp3s cheaper than iTunes. I like the idea of it, but because I don’t have a laptop or other transportable devices, I don’t know how much I’ll use it. Does anyone use this or know more about it?

Here's to the weekend... cheers!


  1. that dream is pretty fantastic!!
    Hm....I didn't know any of that about Jennifer Knapp. I'm not sure what I think about it. I'll get back to you on it.

    I'll have to check out Lala. haven't heard of it before.

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  3. so i went to lala...and it's shutting down. short lived.
