Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blogariffic Teacher's Pet!

Um, ok, so the update of the week is that I've had TWO instances in my statistics class where my teacher emphatically responded to my answer in class...much to my embarrassment.

We are working on hypothesis testing and he needs to know some information from the word problem he had read. I had answered questions LIKE this one earlier in class, but decided to sit back and let others participate (Don't want to be a eager beaver). Well, we sit for a good 30/40 seconds with no one answering or saying anything and my professor pauses....looks at me...and says "you wanna save us here?"
REALLY?! I just got called out in class. I could feel my face flush with embarrassment.
I gave the answer, and he moved on. I got some flack after class about Ed (the professor) liking me. awesome. "teachers pet"

oh but it gets better.

TODAY: Working on hypothesis testing, and we were trying to decide when to do an independent t test. So, he asks the class "when do you do an unpaired t-test."
Initially I say, "before and after scenarios." and he goes into a little rant about how yes, in most cases but what is the general rule.
I say "when you are gathering two measures from one sampling unit."
He POINTS, and screams "yes! exactly! YOU should be teaching the class! Come on up and grab the marker. You even used the right vocabulary!"
fml. The whole class laughed. So apparently I'm a little too eager in stats, and he later commented that "Ashley has her class participation points for the year." good grief.

Sorry I'm not blogging often. School keeps me pretty busy.

Went to eat at Xoco this past Saturday. a-mazing. Had the Cubana Torta, a hot chocolate, and churro. mmm mm GOOD.

This weekend: Ice skating in Millennium Park, hot chocolate, and the Chicago Christmas tree lighting. I'm excited.

In other news, highs in the 40s with winds that sometimes feel like they are 100 mph. ok, that's hyperbole, but it's starting to get cold!

Bella says hi!


  1. a) Stats- It appears that Gadsden State Stats is really paying off. I'm glad the stats professor likes you so much, and I'm glad it appears your grade will be good in the class, just as long as he doesn't make a move on you.

    b) You aren't blogging enough. Blog more.

    c) Just in case anyone wants a better link for XOCO this one is pretty awesome: http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/2/1474343/restaurant/River-North/Xoco-Chicago

    d) Glad I'm not there for ice skating b/c that would probably end our relationship. I am terrible. Hot chocolate mmmm. Isn't it called a "Holiday Tree" in the north?

    e) Your life is hyperbole.

    f) How deep was Bella's voice when she said hi?

  2. a) I don't think you have to worry about Ed making a move :) and I'm always happy to have a good grade.

    b) I'll try to blog more but can't make promises.

    c) I meant to take a photo with a happy face in front of Xoco and I forgot.

    d) I have only been ice skating once. So, our relationship would probably be intact, though we might not be physically intact.

    e) what does that even mean?

    f) Bella's voice was feminine.

  3. a) you are a dork.

    b) thanks for blogging.

    c) can we go to there when in chicago? it looks delicioso. (?)

    d) i don't want to hear about your relationship being physically intact.

    e) the epitome of hyperbole

    f) hhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey bellas!
