Sunday, December 19, 2010
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010
I'm still here...already.
one more thing...I'm fairly obsessed with this song:
Monday, November 1, 2010
Face the Facts
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A few of my favorite things.
1. I like ghost stories.
They freak me out... so much so that my eyes water. I reluctantly told this to my brother and he said it happens to him too, but not as severe. When I listen to stories about ghosts or supernatural occurrences, my eyes water so much that I wipe away tears. It's an involuntary reaction -- weird reaction in my mouth, my jaw tightens, I shake my head and then my eyes start watering. Like that reaction in your mouth after you gag and your mouth starts watering... before you throw up. A slight version of that. But then tears. Oh you don't experience that and you don't know what gagging sensation I’m talking about? Well that brings us to our next subject.
2. I throw up a lot.
Not because I want to…I have a very strong gag reflex. I can't swallow pills without gagging and then throwing up. It infuriates my mom and other people who tell me just to get over and be a real adult. Trying! Trying to be a real person. But I tend to waste a lot of medication every time I try. So I’ve stopped trying. Things that make me throw up: pills, laughing too much, getting hot, awful smells, other people throw up, waking up too early, spicy food, carbonated drinks, and nervous times. Whatever the occasion, I have no problem throwing up. I’m used to it... it rarely affects my day and I recover very quickly. It’s not a big deal.
3. Not everyone's face hurts when they get tired.
I just realized this in Chicago. When I get tired, my face feels tired and achy, behind my eyes and in my ears and jaw. The feeling doesn't go away until I can put some pressure on my face, on a pillow or the nearest couch... or the nearest seat belt, if in a car. Wow, this sounds crazy now, but I just figured everyone's face got tired. Also, being out in the sun makes me tired... like it drains me faster than others. And it makes me sneeze. This is making my face hurt.
4. I am haunted by the number 23.
It started in high school or early college. Every time I went to bed, I would look up at my clock and it was 23 minutes after the hour. It progressed into seeing a few 23 minutes after the hour when I would check the time. No big deal. Kind of didn't let it bother me for a few years, but it has returned lately. I would say at least 85% of the time I look at the clock during the day, it's 23 after. Not a few minutes before or 24... 23. Work, car, home... 23 after. But it's not just the time, it’s seeing the number other places, counting things, dates. (And no, this is not because of that movie 23 and his fear of the number... this was long before that.) Most common: 11:23, 7:23 and 4:23. I was pretty convinced that I would die at the age of 23. Well, that has half to do with me thinking I would die young.
5. I’ve always thought I would die young.
I used to daydream about my funeral or wake, Tom Sawyer-style. I guess I thought it would make things a little more interesting if I died young. I don't know why, but I don't shy away from death, the dying process, hospitals, cemeteries and my own demise. I have had a lot of dreams about dying and it just weirded me out. It’s just always been hard for me to imagine my adult life or my future or whatever. Maybe I just don't ever want to get old. Not because I’m vain or afraid of wrinkles…old people make me sad. I can't watch Wheel of Fortune or the Price is Right with old people on it. I don't want to be pitied like I pity old people. I don't want to be dependent on others. I don't want to be embarrassed about my frailty.
6. As much as I don't worry about death, I worry about heaven.
It weirds me out. I should have peace about it and know that it will be a place of comfort, but it terrifies me. When I think about eternity and spending it in heaven, the image that comes to mind is a continuous line that spirals down into a tornado until it fades out of sight. It makes me dizzy and my heart starts racing. I feel panicky and I have to stop thinking about it. It makes me feel claustrophobic. Am I the only one that is scared by spending an eternity somewhere? Am I afraid of the commitment? Am I completely selfish and ridiculous? Maybe I don’t understand heaven, but what the crap am I going to do forever? Stare at glowy face Jesus? Float around as a spirit on the new earthly kingdom. Just hope we aren't like ghosts or else I’ll spend my eternity with watering eyes. Oh geez. I hope dinosaurs are involved in this new heaven.
7. Oh I’ve never mentioned my love for dinosaurs? I LOVE dinosaurs!
I love everything about them... tiny T-Rex arms, the mystery of their existence, the possibility of them being cool colors. Did they live with humans did? What happened to them? Were they kinder than we think of them now? Will God tell us what happened to them when we get to heaven? Will I ever know what it would be like to coexist with them? Can I pet one? I have a feeling that they aren't super gentle, so I’m glad we don't live with them, but I’d just like to be informed about what had happened.
Please tell me that you can relate to at least one of these. No? Ok well…
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I've been everywhere, man.
I still miss you already.
On the way home, thanks to my car-mates indulging me, we stopped in Indianopolis to see the country's 3rd largest cemetery... Crown Hill. Resting grounds of mobster, John Dillinger, US President, Benjamin Harrison, and poet, James Whitcomb Riley. This delay was just one stop of many in a 14-hour trip home to Birmingham. Good times... might not try to make that trip again anytime soon. But thanks to Ashley for being a great host and showing us around Chicago! We had a lot of fun.
Then there was Artwalk last weekend. I'd give it a B+. I sold several small things, so it was good to get rid of some inventory. Now, let's just try for Magic City Art Connection. I haven't been in Huntsville one weekend yet, and won't for at least a month. But once I figure out this new place, I'll give a full report about what it's like.
Now it's MJ's turn to leave. So we'll be sending her off to a small place called LA. Let's get an update on that... Ok? Let's call it quits for now so I can go find Diana and ruin her life. BW!
Friday, July 16, 2010
2010: The Year of the Me Monster
It's amazing that moving 700 miles away from everything familiar and comfortable makes you reevaluate everything, things that you thought were just fundamentally who you were.
Exhibit A. NEVER have I been active, never. I was the kid in high school that would barely run the mile in time to not fail in PE CLASS. I had accepted the fact that I’m just not an active person, and now I'm training to run a 1/2 marathon. I didn’t start running because I was bored, trying to lose weight, or trying to begin my career as a marathon runner. I realized that I often played it safe, and didn't try for things that might lead to failure. I really wanted something that was going to be a challenge every day, and something that I push myself to do. As seen by my pep talks that I give myself during my 7:30 am Saturday runs, this is doing just that. Funny thing is that I feel better than I have in a long time. This challenge/accomplishment thing has really shifted my perspective of what I'm capable of doing. It's an exciting feeling.
Exhibit B. I've been giving thought to this whole "nice guys (girls) finish last." I really think there is truth to the theory. Not because the rest of the world is mean and like to beat up on nice people, but because nice people give up too much control in exchange for a relationship. This often leads to the “nice girl/guy” to be taken for granted. Allow me to explain.
Feel free to disagree here, but I'd say that in friendship and relationships that I tend to be a "nice girl." (Though both of you have seen my temper at times). Anyway, I think that I place such high value on relationships, people, and what they add to my life that I'm willing to sacrifice things that I need in a relationship just to keep the other person in my life. Now, this sounds kind of pathetic, and it's not supposed to. I allow others to negotiate the terms of our relationship while withholding some of my needs or preferences to keep the peace. What? You want to hang out with some other person for 3 months, and then come back to be BFF with me? Sure, we'll forget that whole 3 months of crappy friendship ever happened. So my thoughts are that nice guys/girls can still be the nice person, invest all they want into relationships and love people all they want, but they have to take charge and make sure that they are helping to negotiate the terms and rules of relationships. In the end, I think it will make the other parties respect and appreciate them even more.
Anyway! New life, new leaf! I've decided to start making a conscious effort to take charge of my life and my relationships. I'm nervous just thinking about it.
So there you go, those are my 2010 changes thus far...and I hope you've enjoyed the ramblings that normally stay in my head.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Party of One
Hey blog! I don’t have much to update you on other than the stupid details of my life, so get excited. Theme of the month: I’m single and my life isn’t headed anywhere awesome. Now, don’t assume I’m super Debbie Downer about either of these things. It’s just a theme and I’m trying to work it out.
We had our family vacation a few weeks ago and that was a lot of fun. Mass chaos + sun + goodbyes = Amy’s worst nightmare. But it was good to see everyone and see Forest’s kids one last time. They’ve grown up so much in the last year and are real, operating kids. (I’m a real boy!) Here’s a picture of the some of the oil we enjoyed:

Um, so the best part of being the youngest of 5 kids is that you are the last single one in the family. It’s a spot that earns you the foldout couch with the kids, back seat in a crowded van, a chair at the kids’ table, and out of the making-plans loop because it’s just me, so why would I care what we do. I think it just hit me the second night on the couch with Caleb and Josiah, when Caleb kicked me in the face, that I am single and it’s not working out for me.
You know what else makes me feel really single… buying Just-for-One frozen veggies. I get home and my broccoli and cheese one just has 2 of the 4 single trays. I guess they realized that I wouldn’t make it to the third meal in my lame life. It’s cool, Walmart, just rub it in. Maybe they should just make a “Hey, I live alone!” aisle in the very front of the store for all to see, featuring half loaves of bread, individual vegetables servings, 1/4 gallon milk, 2 scoops of ice cream and small cans of fruits. Hopefully I would run into some of you on that aisle and not feel so alone.
As for the “my life is going nowhere” part -- I think we all know about my job situation, so we don’t have to elaborate. But it’s just added to my life confusion of where I should be and when. So I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any great epiphanies about how to be an adult.
Things that cheer me up:

2) Found out from Melissa yesterday that I got into Artwalk 2010 (September 10-11). Thanks for letting me know, MJ! I’ll be in the same place as last year and evidently they have cleared out the building, so I’ll be in there with 8 other people. I already know someone that has the same address, so that’s cool.
3) I'm starting my Mixed Media art class at Sammy U tonight. I told MJ yesterday that I feel like it's a community college class, and that I WILL start up my own study group and pick on the improv comedy class kids. I just hope we have an Abed in the group. I take that back; I hope I am Abed. I'm kinda nervous about the class, but that's good for me, because it means I'll be doing something outside my comfort zone. You might be saying, "But isn't this your comfort zone?" Yes, but alone. I've never done this in front of or with other people, so we'll see how it goes.
Alright, back to responsible life,
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I don't know much....but I know I love you
Friday, June 4, 2010
don't's Friday!
I hope Amy has blogged about our trip to Decatur, because it was pretty spectacular. uncle Bob and aunt Mary are by far two of the coolest people I've ever met. very good times last weekend. I think we need to make a trip back there soon, visit with them and catch a show at Eddie's Attic. I've always wanted to see a concert there, so, let's do that! I'm going to work the merch table for the 3 out of Tenn show at WorkPlay on 6/13...Trent Dabbs, Andrew Belle and Andy Davis. kind of random, but I saw a tweet that they needed help, and I replied. sell some t-shirts, listen to some music, I can deal with that.
In other news, I hear that McDonald's recalled 12 million Shrek glasses. so, sadly, y'all are gonna have to get those out your mouth. well, that's all from me for now. y'all have a fantastic weekend! Ash, I'm glad you'll be done with classes for a while! and I think that means akschell and I will be visiting soon!
Not your mom's house.

After I pick up the last roll of pictures today, I’ll post some of the latest and greatest photos from my grandfather’s camera. Ashley, I have a good one of you and Bella, so get excited. Oh also, check out Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. It’s my newest purchase and was suggested by my aunt. They are pretty great. Oh snapfish, we haven't talked about LOST. I'll have to show y'all some pictures from the sweet party we had, fully decorated house and LOST food. I'll save it for next time! BW!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Brittney's Life is a Circus, but Mine is a Goat Show
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
like that friend who only calls on your birthday...
so to sum up, I'm not sure how far back I should go to fill you in on what's been going on in my life. I will say that things have been going pretty well. I finally got to go to Charleston with my mom and Allison last month, which was a blast. that city has something about it, and I really loved it. we went on a tour of homes along the battery, and middle school Melissa (who wanted to be a realtor) was really loving that. we had some pretty fantatstic meals, saw some great art galleries and toured some really beautiful churches. I'll post some pics when I have a little bit more time.
SUBJECT CHANGE: we have our second to last softball game tonight. please wish us luck. this is most likely our best chance at winning tonight. if not, we can at least have a sno-cone at the eeeeend of the gaaaaaame! well, or an adult beverage.
I'm thinking about getting a second job pretty soon. I don't want to lose my free time, but I want to actually be able to start saving money, so I think it's time to suck it up. even though a second job might actually suck it up. any suggestions on what I should do?
FINAL SENTENCES: I've been sorting through a ton of my old CDs recently. some of the more embarrasing ones include: O-Town, Coyote Ugly soundtrack, Hanson Christmas CD, Will Smith's Big Willy Style and Joey McIntyre's Stay the Same. I'll be honest with you though, I was really pumped to listen to a few select songs from those albums. I'm about to pre-order Jennifer Knapp's new album Letting Go, coming out May 11. I hadn't listened to her older stuff in a really long time, but I'm pretty excited about the new album. I recorded Stone To the River (if that's the correct title) at her show at WorkPlay and have been listening to it a lot lately. powerful voice and lyrics...
I have harvested nothing by tearing through you/I try and I try and I try as I do/I've bloodied my fists trying to keep my own plans/oh the damage I've done to my fellow man.
alright, I promise I will increase the frequency of my posts. I'm also trying to eat more fruits and veggies, so keep me accountable with that too. it'll make my mom happy, and I know you all love her.
as Gladys says: keep on keepin' on,
Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy Patrick's Jamie
I’m at work, just for a regular day, but our IT department (which included people from SU that don’t work at SL) was acting like it was St. Patrick’s Day. I knew in the dream that it wasn’t still March, so it made it even better that they were all dressed in green clothes and hats racing by on razor scooters. As I followed them into the call center, I was surrounded by their friends…leprechauns, who were a mix between real ones and others with oompa loompa-style hair and clothes. They were all VERY happy and were singing and dancing and laughing hysterically while eating chocolate moon pies. There were some other things like midgets or kids or something that sort of hung out with the leprechauns, but I don’t remember that part. There may have been confetti; it was wild. Also, Eron had picked up smoking and was already super addicted and her fingers were turning yellow as she smoked all over everyone’s cubicle. But she left because she had to go to her after-work job at a discount Disney store at the mall, which of course was located through a tunnel from our editorial suite. Two doors down in another meeting room, the area transformed into a cozy cabin/house as Ridds invited me in. She introduced me to a few family members of a little cub scout. He looked like Augustus Gloop and his rosy round-faced family matched. Ridds wanted me to volunteer my time to helping this scout, but I kindly declined as I wondered over to the Disney store to pick up a few things.
I thought it was a great way to start off Friday. I would like to blame this dream on the creepy song from the preview of next week’s LOST. Thank you Gene Wilder!
If you are still reading, I would also like to briefly share that we went to the Jennifer Knapp concert this past Friday and it was pretty interesting. We had a nice little chat with her and she signed some stuff for us. J.Knapp has officially come back to the music world and also came out to Christianity Today. I think there was a lot of speculation around the topic and now it’s over. CNN has also posted a story about it. We had a lively discussion at work about the whole thing and I’m curious about what you think… any thoughts?
Also, I was introduced to Lala, a new music site, by a co-worker. It’s like a web-based iTunes. You can upload your music library on there and listen to it from anywhere via the Internet. You can also buy web-fed music for very cheap, and also buy real albums and mp3s cheaper than iTunes. I like the idea of it, but because I don’t have a laptop or other transportable devices, I don’t know how much I’ll use it. Does anyone use this or know more about it?
Here's to the weekend... cheers!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Voluntary Torture? Sure, I'm Game
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sigga What?
Also... Watched a great movie on HBO a while back with MJ… “Temple Grandin,” starring Claire Danes (as Temple) who sports some Shirley Temple locks. I have to say; she did a great job and as fellow HBO star Big Edie would say, she was an autistic smash. She’s a fine cowgirl and may have introduced herself in the following way: “Are you a scientist? Hi, Temple Grandin, nice to meet you. Are you a scientist?” This reminds me of when Karen Lesser busted in my room freshmen year and asked me if I was a poet. I told her that if I was I didn’t know it. She told me she thought I was anyway. Yep, Karen also said Hitler was “a famous man from the Holocaust,” so I didn’t listen too much to her predictions about my life. I’d like to see an HBO special on her life. I don't know anyone that wouldn't.
Finally, as promised, here are some pictures that I've taken on my grandfather's old camera. They are in order and you can see the art grow as we go. I think we've finally figured out how to use it properly and here are some of my favorites so far:

P.S.: I'm working on an art project for a work video. For those who don't know, it's a stop motion (flip-book style) movie of scenes I'm painting. It's about 1600 screens for a 2 minute curriculum video. So stay tuned for that because I'm finishing it up tonight. Probably can't post it but might try to show it to you soon.
Happy end of the week! Rainbows and honey bears,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ramblings of Procrastination
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Amy, I'm glad you're blogging
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Blog Hog: a glutton’s trip recap
Okay, well as you know, I went down to see my sister for the weekend. The collapsed family vacation in New Orleans actually worked out well for me because it happened to be Mardi Gras weekend. I’m very familiar with this holiday because of living near Mobile and getting out of school for it, but NOLA celebrates just a tad differently. I went to 5 parades and found out the hard way that they do not throw moon pies there. But I caught a lot of beads and stuff for T-Frank, lost my camera and ran after a float with Big Frank to catch six intact BAGS of beads… awesome. What I learned, you don't have to push and shove and being from out-of-town helps you get more beads. Despite their governmental struggles, New Orleans does a few things well and fortunately for me that’s fun and food. I’m going to bore you with my weekend menu because it was ridiculous.
1) Vietnamese “3 Happiness Restaurant” (the Chinese restaurant is 5 Happiness, so I guess this one has the mopes): crab rangoons, wonton soup, egg rolls and cook your own chicken and shrimp rice paper roll-ups. This was a real feast that was almost missed because Conlee tried to get us to get up and leave abruptly before ordering. I vetoed this.
2) Sunday lunch with family & friends: crab & shrimp bisque/creole, seafood gumbo, rice, fried chicken, garlic bread, BBQ, Zapp’s chips and chocolate king cake.
3) Blue Frog Chocolates: chocolate covered gummy bears, sweet potato chips dipped in chocolate, and specialty chocolates like fresh peanut butter and strawberry jelly inside of chocolate.
4) Patois (a fancy dinner for Conlee and I): Almond crusted Flounder with roasted potato galettes, green beans and Satsuma meniere (whatever that is) with a Fleur de Lis martini… yes please.
5) Oak Street Café: a 50-minute wait for a bacon/egg/cheese biscuit and some great hot chocolate. They claim to have donuts all day but the donuts “had the day off” when we went. (There was also an emo guy outside with a giant Mick Jagger head on advertising for more people to come to the café, even though it was PACKED.)
6) Tried to go out to a second Vietnamese place that is in Kenner’s Little Vietnam but it was closed for Chinese New Year. They like to get special Vietnamese Po’ Boys from there, but instead we went to a creepy bakery “French” bakery that is not run by the French or any English speakers. (Side note: When I saw their business card with the French name I made a “can I have your number?” reference in my head but since I gave up cussing for Lent, you’ll have to figure that joke out yourself.)
7) Around the house: Fancy pork nachos (9pm dinner), specialty cheeses and strawberries, spicy cheese grits, Frank’s special rare burgers (gross) and then Conlee gave me John Besh’s first and only cookbook that came out in the fall. Looking forward to cooking out of it.
The city was also extra crazy because of the big Super Bowl win. The team parade was last week and then the regular parades followed. I don’t understand it quite yet, but the Who Dat nation has their own soundtrack from this victory that everyone knows and plays but I don’t know where it came from. These are mostly just older songs with Saints-adapted lyrics. This is all I listened to all weekend and it was always cranked to eleven. Featured on this are U2/Greenday’s “The Saints Are Coming,” Baby Boy da Prince’s “Saints Song 2009” and my favorite-- Ying Yang Twins “Halftime” a.k.a. “Crunk” to which old and young jump up and starting getting crunk… it’s a-mazing! There are CDs sold but I don’t know where they are produced or if it’s legal, but everyone knows the songs and the bands in every parade played “Crunk.” Of course I’m still listening to it, but the whole thing is still a mystery to me. Sorry I lost my camera or else I could have shared a video of some of this playing out. Please explore these songs in your free time.
Peace out!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
ISMYA - Anniversary Edition:

I know it might be weird, but we grew up in a house where we celebrated my parents’ anniversary with cards and presents. So my brothers and I are trying to put something together for them as a sweet present to remember 1970 and what it held for them. Thought about just putting a bow on the Electrolux vacuum they got that year that is still used, but instead I’ve compiled some old notes and letters from my dad to my mom. They met at GM&O Railroad in Mobile and so I went down last year and took some pictures of this really great building. I’ll group these things plus some other GM&O memorabilia in shadowbox frames. Let’s just hope they like it (and actually hang them up). In making this and in recent conversations with my family, I’ve found out a lot about my parents that I never knew. It’s weird to think about my dad being a dad before he met my mom. It’s weird to think about my mom driving a sports car and having a wildly decorated apartment. It’s weird to know that your parents used to be young and crazy, but they were. So in celebration of that and more, here’s to Bonzatron and Johnny No Ice – thanks for all the memories!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Family Circus - a real life story:
We had a joint birthday party for Seth (2) and Josiah (3) this weekend. Seth is Josiah’s size but not as tough… for many reasons, but mainly age and exposure to violence. I really hope Josiah wished for growth when he blew out his candles. The party was a circus theme so Forest and I had the task of taping up streamers to resemble a circus tent in the dining room. It was awesome and I was thankful for the streamer experience from MJ’s birthday a few years ago. Then we went to the circus, which was my first exposure to such things. It was sweet, but I have to say that the BJCC just makes for a sad circus tent. That night, I went on a shopping spree with Sarah for the girls’ birthday presents. I walked out with 3 sets of clothes and one pair of awesome white patent leather mocs/loafers. (They already had another set of dresses at my house.) I feel justified in doing all of this because I won’t get to do it again for them in a while. I’m going to miss those kids.
Saw John Caparulo from the Chelsea Lately show at the Comedy Club. He was fun… good times and another first for me.
Went to FLIP, Richard Blais’ restaurant that newly opened at the Summit. Sorry I haven’t reported on this sooner, but it was awesome! Glad we finally got to go and the chocolate salted sweet potato fries were great. But they weren’t as great as the toasted mini marshmallows that topped my smores milkshake. Oh snapfish! I had the Farm Burger and it was pretty delish. Go to there!
The LOST debut this week! What the crap? When Richard got neck chopped I laughed and when the group went through the temple hole and were taken into Swiss Family Robinson pirate land, my SFR prediction came true. My favorite two island stories are now bound for eternity.
Going to New Orleans next weekend to hang out with my sister (during Mardi Gras). Don’t be jealous, it’s invite only. Who wants to go back with me in the fall?
Bought a GPS system with the monies I got from selling some art to Wingo.
Dropped off my film on Wednesday and I’ll get one back on Friday and one next week. We’ll see how badly I ruined this great opportunity for making awesome photos. I’m getting prints and digital copies, so I’ll post some if they turn out at all.
I went on a shopping spree with Sarah.
My dad’s doctor thought he had a heart attack, but it turns out he didn’t. That was a scary week, but not as scary as knowing my dad thought he’d several and hadn’t been to the doctor about them. Side note: I took them to Five Guys while they were in town this weekend.
I didn’t catch up with LOST before it started again. I didn’t even finish re-watching Season 2. No comments needed.
The trip to NOLA was supposed to be a sibling vacation. It’s hard to have a family vacation without the family. I think everyone’s bailed on the trip, except for me, but especially the one that planned it. Awesome!
I am grateful that you friends read through my thoughts on here, so I want to reward you. These are some featured shots from some scanned pictures from my uncle. I think they are from the summer before I started kindergarten or even before (1988-89) when my aunt and uncle hung out with us one weekend. Ladies and gents, this might be the closest you get to seeing me in a bathing suit.

Oh you are welcome. Happy Thursday!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday slumday
Saturday, January 30, 2010
the lakecicle.
Here are a few pics.

I just bought the new Vampire Weekend CD. Feel free to send any new wonderful CDs to me :)