We had a joint birthday party for Seth (2) and Josiah (3) this weekend. Seth is Josiah’s size but not as tough… for many reasons, but mainly age and exposure to violence. I really hope Josiah wished for growth when he blew out his candles. The party was a circus theme so Forest and I had the task of taping up streamers to resemble a circus tent in the dining room. It was awesome and I was thankful for the streamer experience from MJ’s birthday a few years ago. Then we went to the circus, which was my first exposure to such things. It was sweet, but I have to say that the BJCC just makes for a sad circus tent. That night, I went on a shopping spree with Sarah for the girls’ birthday presents. I walked out with 3 sets of clothes and one pair of awesome white patent leather mocs/loafers. (They already had another set of dresses at my house.) I feel justified in doing all of this because I won’t get to do it again for them in a while. I’m going to miss those kids.
Saw John Caparulo from the Chelsea Lately show at the Comedy Club. He was fun… good times and another first for me.
Went to FLIP, Richard Blais’ restaurant that newly opened at the Summit. Sorry I haven’t reported on this sooner, but it was awesome! Glad we finally got to go and the chocolate salted sweet potato fries were great. But they weren’t as great as the toasted mini marshmallows that topped my smores milkshake. Oh snapfish! I had the Farm Burger and it was pretty delish. Go to there!
The LOST debut this week! What the crap? When Richard got neck chopped I laughed and when the group went through the temple hole and were taken into Swiss Family Robinson pirate land, my SFR prediction came true. My favorite two island stories are now bound for eternity.
Going to New Orleans next weekend to hang out with my sister (during Mardi Gras). Don’t be jealous, it’s invite only. Who wants to go back with me in the fall?
Bought a GPS system with the monies I got from selling some art to Wingo.
Dropped off my film on Wednesday and I’ll get one back on Friday and one next week. We’ll see how badly I ruined this great opportunity for making awesome photos. I’m getting prints and digital copies, so I’ll post some if they turn out at all.
I went on a shopping spree with Sarah.
My dad’s doctor thought he had a heart attack, but it turns out he didn’t. That was a scary week, but not as scary as knowing my dad thought he’d several and hadn’t been to the doctor about them. Side note: I took them to Five Guys while they were in town this weekend.
I didn’t catch up with LOST before it started again. I didn’t even finish re-watching Season 2. No comments needed.
The trip to NOLA was supposed to be a sibling vacation. It’s hard to have a family vacation without the family. I think everyone’s bailed on the trip, except for me, but especially the one that planned it. Awesome!
I am grateful that you friends read through my thoughts on here, so I want to reward you. These are some featured shots from some scanned pictures from my uncle. I think they are from the summer before I started kindergarten or even before (1988-89) when my aunt and uncle hung out with us one weekend. Ladies and gents, this might be the closest you get to seeing me in a bathing suit.

Oh you are welcome. Happy Thursday!
that was a great reward