My trip to see my aunt also produced good fruit other than the map purchase. She passed down my grandfather’s camera to me and I was super excited about it because I had never seen or heard about it before. I did some research and it’s a 1935 Zeiss Ikonta 530/2.
As for SAD, you know the treatment, Liz Lemon: Sun, St. John's Wort and human interaction. Oh and don't live in Chicago or Seattle. If you need actual attention, we can work on that or Casey Clardy can reply with a treatment plan.
Ashley, you asked for some reviews, so here you go:
Fantastic Mr. Fox:
Greatest movie I’ve seen in a while and I went to see it again last week. It’s very clever and fast and not as predictable as I thought. Great soundtrack and it’s amazing to see how much work they put into making movies of this style. It's a cuss of a lot better than others I've seen this year, but that might be because I can’t remember other movies I’ve seen pre-October. Go see it!
Vampire Weekend's "Contra":
They’ve been getting a lot of press lately and some interviews have said the new CD was going to be great. This was much anticipated for me (because I like them a lot), but I feel like I didn’t know this album was coming out until 2 weeks before it did. I know… shocker. Reviewers said VW is known for their unusual African beat and I almost thought they were crazy until I bought the new album myself. Yep, African beat is a good way to describe it, and it’s almost a little “islander” in the rest of the percussion. It’s really good so far and I’ve been listening to “Cousins” since they released it as a single and it’s one of the fastest from the album. "Contra" is a good slow one and "Diplomat's Son" is really good. This album is just as upbeat as the last and maybe even more so. We're still just talking and becoming friends, but I think it will compare well to the previous release. Buy it!
Buyer's Remorse:
Dead Weather's "Horehound" - it should be awesome with all-stars under Jack White's lead, but it's not... sorry. I'm more mad than anyone that this didn't pan out.
The Beatles "White Album" - Okay, before we begin, no I don't think this was a bad purchase or bad album, but I wish I could buys single songs from them on iTunes because let's be honest, who knows all of the songs on this album? You don't, don't act like you do. So I bought the #1's and that helped. Don't get me wrong, I love the Beatles more than you, but I don't have money for songs I'm probably not going to listen to that much. Upside: great album to add to my collection when Jesus judges me on my musical taste. Yes, that's going to happen, read your bible.
I have some other updates on the organization known as my family, but those will have to wait. Okay Tina, I'm out. Miami 2014!
a) So you got a 2 x 8 inch chalkboard or feet?
ReplyDeleteb) I guarantee you're not putting a map in the living room unless it's inside a snow globe.
c) So now you have a nazi camera?
d) Vampires are sooooo last decade.
e) Your Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da life isn't going to keep going on if you keep hating the Beatles.
f) Ashley is busy in 2014
a) well it wouldn't be much of a chalkboard if it was inches
ReplyDeleteb) you're right, but hacker's making some room for me out there... maybe
c) yes, it even has a swastika and dried jew blood on it
d) vampires are so 15th century
e) thank you for knowing your beatles albums
f) so glad you're the keeper of ashley's future
I'm glad someone knows what's going on with me in 2014. my plan thus far ends Dec 2010. not ends like die...just that's as far as I have planned out.
ReplyDeleteI have seen akschell's newly arranged room, and I will say it is fantastic. not as much as the fox but still fantastic. it's a little more open, which means...more room for me to dance. and, Amy, PCW needs to go up soon!
ReplyDeleteAshley, thanks for not planning on dying in Dec 2010. otherwise Amy would just make some joke about this being our last summer together.
oh good, ashley... you and i can die young together. 2014 is our 10 yr anniversary and we are planning on going to miami to do some looking for houses... we've talked about this.
ReplyDeletei'm wondering if such name dropping is an attempt to see if i'm still reading....and yes, i still miss you already too.
ReplyDeletest. bernard:
ReplyDeleteit was not an attempt to make you read... i never doubt your loyalty or better yet, your desire to poke around my life (in a good way). it's just your time commitments that i doubt.
i wanted to all tx plans to default to you b/c i'm not practicing. we're all better in your hands vs. mine.