In chronological order, I will attempt to recap the last week. Ingrid was awesome. Check. I ran to the Greek Fest in the rain twice this weekend for some pites (Peteys) and Andy Baklava. $15 later, I was feeling great and sick, all at the same time. There, I said it, I felt sick. Let me set the scene for this with a picture or two. You’re welcome in advance… First, you should know we ate in Melissa’s crazy car.

Things I’ll point out: Notice the slim area that was left for me to cram into the front seat, all the bottles that aren’t mine, my food spread, messed up armband, heavy rain, and my bib. But it was SO good.
Then there was Sidewalk. Saw a lot of documentaries this year, one actual movie and a few shorts. My faves were Forgetting Dad and Best Worst Movie. The first reminded me that I need to buy Dear Zachary and so I did that yesterday. It’s the best documentary I’ve ever seen. Check it out.
And, possibly my favorite part of the weekend was that I got to tour the old Lyric Theater. I’ve wanted to see it every since Joseph told me about it and some pictures he saw. I didn’t tell y’all but I was hoping to plan a fun little tour before Ashley left and had been talking back and forth with a lady at the Alabama who said she would open it up for us. Well, I walked by it on Sunday and to my surprise, they were having an open house. It was really cool to see inside but it’s kind of depressing to see it in its current condition. It closed in 1958 and has fallen from hand to hand, but now the Alabama Theater group owns it as is planning on restoring it to the tune of $20 million. I didn't donate anything. Here are some pictures from inside.

So, yeah, that’s kinda it for me. Donna’s in town so I’ve been yelling “DDOONNNNNNNAAA” a lot. It’s been good to see some old college friends lately. And Saturday is NeedToBreathe and that should be a great show. Missed them last time they were in town so I’m proud to be ticket owner this time around. I have more to share, but I'll save it until next time. Today is Football Friday at work. If you wear a team shirt, then you are entered to win a giftcard/prize. Wish me luck and War Eagle!
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