Friday, October 30, 2009
The Great Pumpkin
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Cloudy With a Chance of Being Blown Off of the Sidewalk
So yeah, there's the wind...and the waves....and the spittle rain....heavy rain just makes things more exciting. Side note: the car that looks like it almost hit me was further away than it looks. no worries, I didn't have a brush with death.
I can only imagine what it's going to be like when there's a blizzard or something. yikes.
Moment of silence for Trout Scout....
Moment of jubilation for Amy Schell driving around in a new car!!!!! wooo!
Moment of sadness that I'm not there to carve pumpkins with y'all tonight.
Moment of happiness at how awesome the Office and Flash Forward episodes were that I caught up on with the help of RCN on demand :)
Moment of happiness that Clayton visited last weekend!
Can't get enough of this.
Oh, and I just listed my first item for sell on eBay. I'm only how many years behind on being cool for doing this?
Miss you! See you soon!
Why The (Sad) Face?
This leads me to continue wondering when I can call myself a real adult. Now? After I get a car? When I get a house? I don’t know, but I feel grown-up a little more every day because of this. But just when I’m starting to feel older, I get reminded that I’m not. This is the bathroom I use at work:
I don’t know what I’m getting myself into, but glad that I’m sort of being forced into this change. I’m really excited about getting a new car because I’ve had a really hard time with the jeep since I got it. I’ve never felt safe and it’s cost a lot of money. So I’m glad to let it go but as you know, I’m terribly sentimental, so I think I’m headed to an early afternoon breakdown. But these are the things I’m looking forward to about getting a new car:
1) brakes
2) windows that roll down = drive thrus!
3) a transmission that actually works
4) driving up hills with ease or just driving up hills, period.
5) gas pedal that doesn’t stick
6) heater that works within 30 minutes
7) driving home or wherever I want
8) starting my car in the rain
9) no oil leak puddles in front our our house
So it’s going to be awesome! Watch out world. I’m excited and maybe I’ll have a new car very soon. And maybe you'll see my car parts at Pull-A-Part soon. Don’t worry, I’d love to take you for a ride, you won’t even have to ask. I’d like to finish with a moment of silence for Trout Scout. It’s been good… RIP.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Raised on Rice and Gravy
Bottega Café for lunch = “Ham & Cheese” pizza (prosciutto with white cheeses)
Very good and quite salty, even for me, I know. Wish I had opted for the more complex chicken pizza, but I heard great things about their pizzas, so I got one. I give it 3 stars (minus points because they charged me $2.50 for each slice of the cake I brought in for my sister’s birthday, doubling the price. Geez).
Chez Fon Fon for dinner = Steak frites—grilled hanger steak with pommes frites, salsa verde and a small salad
Sooooo good. You’ll need to catch up on your French before you go, but it’s a great place. 4.5 stars and I could eat that meal every day of my life, if I could only afford it.
Little Savannah for lunch = Fried Pork Chop, White Cheddar Blue Corn Grits, Tatsoi, Redeye Gravy
I’ve wanted to go to this place since we went one night for Ashley’s birthday stop #1. But for some reason Ashley and Clayton didn’t take me there on their date. It was really great and like the previous restaurants, they do seasonal foods that feature the local organic farms. I’ve volunteered and gotten to know about the local Jones Valley Urban Farm ( and they had food from the Cullman one too. So that adds in some extra Birmingham-local-factor points. They get 4 stars because they did grits and something fried well.
My favorite part of these dining experiences was eating with T-Frank. He ordered Swordfish (because it’s his favorite, of course) and it was not as good as he was used to, so he was unable to finish his sandwich. Also, he uses tons of salt, and that’s meaningful if you have ever eaten with the Schell family. (No Family Song jokes needed here.) But heavy salt use is a genetic trait in our family, so it was good to see that it’s gotten into the fourth generation. We also went to Vulcan, Sloss (where dead bodies were left out from Fright Furnace), Reed Books. Frank was scared to go up to the top of Vulcan, but it was a pretty day, so we made him do it.
Going to AU game this weekend as they play Kentucky at home. We better win and let’s hope it doesn’t rain. Haven’t been to a game in 5 years, so it’ll be good. I was trying to meet up the Littlest Daughtry (don’t be jealous) to pass on the stuff I was making for Jamie, but it’s not going to work out. So looks like I’ll be finding one of her friends to pass that on… haha, I can’t wait. No really, that's what we're doing. I'll show you the picture when I'm done with the stuff. Thank you for being a friend.
Sammy's back!
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled and thankful to have my car back. it's just a little frustrating to not really be able to reach the pedals. I think I'm just gonna continue to have a love/hate relationship with my car, because there are quite a few positive vs. negative points with this.
I have to stretch my right leg out pretty far if I want to continue moving.
negative: this kinda hurts my thigh, and the hypochondriac in me thinks I'll get a blood clot.
positive: I'm gonna have a rockin' hard thigh on my right let. get ready for competition, Beyonce.
my whole body looks pretty stretched out if my back is touching the seat.
negative: I look like I'm ridin' dirty.
positive: I look like I'm ridin' dirty.
I'm further away from my iPod and the a/c and heat.
negative: sometimes I have to continue listening to Scars if it comes on.
positive: at least I'm not fooling with my iPod as much and can instead look at the car in front of me.
a guy I work with just looked at it and thinks that it's the track that's messed up. he suggested a place called Pull-A-Part, but you have to bring tools and take the part you need out of the cars they have. I don't know...seems like a good option...mainly because it'd be a lot cheaper than taking it to Ford. so I may do that....or I may just keep ridin' dirty.
I hope all is well with everyone. Ash, I hope you and Claytong enjoy his Chi-town visit. I know he'd rather have me and Amy there, but y'all try and have fun anyway.
and I'm closing with this video. watch it. it's a song called Passerby. it's awesome. and beautiful. I love Allie Moss.
love, love, love you,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
whaaaaaaa haaaaaappen??
so a few things:
-I'm hopefully getting my car back today. keep your fingers crossed that Brandon wasn't lying to me about that. I've missed Sammy. I'm probably gonna take her for some ice cream on Saturday. and by ice cream, I mean oil change.
-umm, the 6-year-old boy who is flying over Colorado in the homemade flying saucer/air balloon/really great idea.....whaaaaaaat? crazy, funny, sad, bizzare, entertaining,'s all of these things. hopefully he'll get back to the ground safely and have the mother of all "I walked on the moon" stories to tell at parties.
-Mama Jordan is in Pell City right now. this is good news, cause I'll hopefully get to see her, but bad news cause she's there because Weea isn't doing too great. she's fallen twice in the past week and has bronchitis. so keep ol' Weea in your prayers!
-I forget how much I love bagels and how much eating breakfast really helps your day. I know, who woulda thought? kudos to the chocolate chip, asiago cheese and everything bagels at Panera.
-I still haven't called the maintenance crew about my disposal not working, but the disgusting bits and "vomit down your back" smell that is coming from my sink is forcing me to finally call. seriously, it's bad. no, seriously. I kind of dislike myself a lot for putting this one off.
-the Cooley pumpkin carving/movie watching extravaganza is next Friday. I'm excited.
-OK, we just watched the footage of the balloon landing....where is the boy? what's going on? I'm sure this will all be resolved once you read this, but right now I'm just confused and worried.
that's gonna be it for now. enjoy your Thursday!
holla back,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Winterizing My Life
First: coats.
Next: rainproof/warm coat...check!
check it! a 2 for one deal. Coat on the left fits inside the outer coat for extra warmth if needed. YES PLEASE!
Friday, October 9, 2009
What we gonna have-- dessert or disaster?

Also, some of you may already know about this, but it’ll be a treat if you don’t. I should start from the beginning. I work in a warehouse where there are big gym-like lights with giant 2000-watt light bulbs. I like to collect industrial things and scraps of old stuff. So of course when I found out that we recycle (and keep) these at work, they were immediately appealing. I wanted to do something with them for a little project. So I thought of 1) hanging them from the ceiling, 2) using them as table decorations, 3) making a non-functioning light fixture out of them and maybe illuminating it somehow, or 4) this:
I’m excited about Conlee coming to town this weekend. I see her about once a year, so this is a treat. Today is her birthday so we are going to get her a little cake when we meet her for lunch tomorrow. She is all fancy-like, so we are going to Bottega Café and then she wants for me to tour her around Birmingham. Then off to Chez Fon Fon for dinner because she loves Frank Stitt and I’ve never been to one of his restaurants. And then we’ll do Sunday brunch at Little Savannah. Three great places in two days…so I’m pretty excited about all of that and hanging out with T-Frank and BUI.
There is no way to break the news softly. Little Trout/Scout was in an accident yesterday. Don't worry, I'm okay... just a little sore and beat up. Some guy rear-ended me on Lakeshore and pushed in my bumper and thus my hatch won’t open. I need my hatch, it’s the most important part of the car for me, well other than the wheels. So the guy gave me his info and left. The police came almost an hour later and filed a report and may or may not have put a warrant out for him. As for the damage, I thought it wasn’t a big deal until I took it into the collision center. When she gave me quote for almost 3x what my car is worth, I got a little sad because that means the Jeep will be totaled. Really? I regret ever getting into that lane, geeeeeeez! I can’t afford a car. So me and Melissa are thinking about getting a van together… you know, something that will hold all my art show supplies and our kids. But really, I might have to get a car and while that sounds awesome, I don’t know how to do that, if I can, and how I’ll live without Trout/Scout.
And to end on a positive note, I’ll give you my favorite quote from yesterday:
Eron came by my office with stiff legs and asked, “What if we didn’t have knees?” I laughed a lot as she proceeded to try to run with straight legs and arms. Thank you, God, for giving us knees and friends that are completely ridiculous. I'm done. I can't offer anymore.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I put my thing down, flipped it but couldn't reverse it
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
so I wake up, and I'm in this dumpster in Connecticut...
I'm feeling much better today. I got a lot of sleep, took some legal drugs, actually ate breakfast and took my one-a-day energy vitamin. this Tuesday could be pretty historic.
SUBJECT CHANGE: I finally used some of the painting supplies I bought, oh, about a year ago. I painted on a small canvas--an 8 1/2 x 11, I believe. I'll be straight with y'all--it's by no means good. it shows no true artistic talent. the drawing isn't even remotely original or creative. and it may look like something a 12-year-old would have done. but, I genuinely like it a lot, and I really enjoyed the time working on it. I want to keep playing around with painting and other artistic whatnots. maybe I'll take a picture of it and share it on this fine blog. I wrote a line from a new BC song on it.....I know, I would.
speaking of 'ol Brandi Carlile, the new album is so insanely good. it's been playing non-stop on the record player since last Tuesday. it definitely has a different feel than her others. I don't know that I like it better than her previous stuff, but it's absolutely just as good. Give Up the Ghost just feels a little more raw and vulnerable, and I appreciate that. the WorkPlay concert is this Sunday.....oooooooo OOOOOOO! i. am. ready.
alright, I'm gonna wrap it up. but I will close saying that, aside from the obvious trip to Chicago next spring, I really want to take a trip to California. and I want to pronounce that the way Arnold Schwarzenegger says it. AND, by going to Google to make sure I spelled his name correctly just now, I found this little treat:
my favorite is the teenage pregnancy sound clip.
I really have to go now. enjoy the week.
one love,
Friday, October 2, 2009
From Soapy Hill...

Then there was Sidewalk. Saw a lot of documentaries this year, one actual movie and a few shorts. My faves were Forgetting Dad and Best Worst Movie. The first reminded me that I need to buy Dear Zachary and so I did that yesterday. It’s the best documentary I’ve ever seen. Check it out.
And, possibly my favorite part of the weekend was that I got to tour the old Lyric Theater. I’ve wanted to see it every since Joseph told me about it and some pictures he saw. I didn’t tell y’all but I was hoping to plan a fun little tour before Ashley left and had been talking back and forth with a lady at the Alabama who said she would open it up for us. Well, I walked by it on Sunday and to my surprise, they were having an open house. It was really cool to see inside but it’s kind of depressing to see it in its current condition. It closed in 1958 and has fallen from hand to hand, but now the Alabama Theater group owns it as is planning on restoring it to the tune of $20 million. I didn't donate anything. Here are some pictures from inside.