Costa Rica was pretty stinkin awesome - it rekindled my desire to be a Spanish speaker. So, that's a goal for 2009/2010...and an already overwhelming goal at that. Hola, me llamo Ashley. There, that's a start.
Chicago trip 1 - Martin family adventure was everything a family trip should be - exciting to be able to show my parents my future home and place of learning - (ta da!)
Then there was the beach - which I can never get enough of.
(see photo evidence)
(see photo evidence)

Came home and a week and 2 days later realized that it was time to go BACK to Chicago so that I'm not homeless. So, what better way to do that than drive 10 hours through the night without sleeping?! woo wee! After a weekend of greasy hair, apartment shopping (that didn't include being murdered by a craigslist killer), a Cubs game, Garrett's Mix popcorn, the El, the Bean, stuffed pizza, 22 hours in the car, and stop at a rando dairy farm in Indiana, I can confidently say that I feel much more like a Chicago resident (that has applied for an apartment) but I'm not any less sad to be leaving Birmingham.
Well, there you go....a reflection.
Please note that the 22 hours in the car was a 9 hour 45 minute trip there and a 14 hour trip home. I won't specify who drove there.