Well, talk about a few things. My life has been a tad ridiculous, so let's just hit the high points. Where did we leave off? So, I moved to Huntsville and started a new job. Melissa wrote me a really nice poem for the event and I'd like to share it with you:
Twelve years we've been friends,
Don't even say perudo.
Maybe it seems longer,
'cause you're my monkey hero.
Good times were had,
in this ol' Birmingham.
Larry Langford stole money.
We're not so much greedy
and don't need the big bucks,
Just give us some Golden Girls
and of course some woodchucks.
Now you're off to Huntsville,
it's a really good land.
I've actually only been once,
but it seemed pretty grand.
Hang out with other peeps,
like Brian White's wife.
You know Diana,
you ruined her life.
Start a new job
and impress your new boss.
They're sure to love your sarcasm
and if not, hey, their loss.
We'll miss your arms,
We'll miss your smarts.
But perhaps most,
we'll miss discounted art.
Blow a kiss to the warehouse;
Say goodbye to SL.
I won't picture you at The Office,
shipping things like Darryl.
Excited for this adventure,
but will miss you a lot.
Be sure to get on gchat
or text if you're in a hotspot.
You're the absolute best,
but let's not get too heavy.
I guess what I'm saying is,
I still miss you already.
I'm not sure if anyone's ever written me a poem before. Definitely not this long anyway. Um, I really liked it a lot, so thanks, MJ! Then a week after I started the job, we went to Chicago to visit Ashley. Hip Hip Horray! Here's proof, in case Ashley forgets we actually came to see her... a year later.

On the way home, thanks to my car-mates indulging me, we stopped in Indianopolis to see the country's 3rd largest cemetery... Crown Hill. Resting grounds of mobster, John Dillinger, US President, Benjamin Harrison, and poet, James Whitcomb Riley. This delay was just one stop of many in a 14-hour trip home to Birmingham. Good times... might not try to make that trip again anytime soon. But thanks to Ashley for being a great host and showing us around Chicago! We had a lot of fun.
Then there was Artwalk last weekend. I'd give it a B+. I sold several small things, so it was good to get rid of some inventory. Now, let's just try for Magic City Art Connection. I haven't been in Huntsville one weekend yet, and won't for at least a month. But once I figure out this new place, I'll give a full report about what it's like.
Now it's MJ's turn to leave. So we'll be sending her off to a small place called LA. Let's get an update on that... Ok? Let's call it quits for now so I can go find Diana and ruin her life. BW!