Also... Watched a great movie on HBO a while back with MJ… “Temple Grandin,” starring Claire Danes (as Temple) who sports some Shirley Temple locks. I have to say; she did a great job and as fellow HBO star Big Edie would say, she was an autistic smash. She’s a fine cowgirl and may have introduced herself in the following way: “Are you a scientist? Hi, Temple Grandin, nice to meet you. Are you a scientist?” This reminds me of when Karen Lesser busted in my room freshmen year and asked me if I was a poet. I told her that if I was I didn’t know it. She told me she thought I was anyway. Yep, Karen also said Hitler was “a famous man from the Holocaust,” so I didn’t listen too much to her predictions about my life. I’d like to see an HBO special on her life. I don't know anyone that wouldn't.
Finally, as promised, here are some pictures that I've taken on my grandfather's old camera. They are in order and you can see the art grow as we go. I think we've finally figured out how to use it properly and here are some of my favorites so far:

P.S.: I'm working on an art project for a work video. For those who don't know, it's a stop motion (flip-book style) movie of scenes I'm painting. It's about 1600 screens for a 2 minute curriculum video. So stay tuned for that because I'm finishing it up tonight. Probably can't post it but might try to show it to you soon.
Happy end of the week! Rainbows and honey bears,