I started this Thanksgiving holiday a long time ago by trying to decide a month ago if my whole family could fit into a house we’ve out grown. That was festively followed by Seth sending me (Aunt Amy Art) a hand-print turkey. Also, you should know that Seth has already starting his Christmas reading. I asked him what his book was about the other day on the phone. And to my surprise, he said “Baby Jesus.” I laughed after realizing that my potty mouth had not rubbed off on him but he was indeed reading a story about Jesus’ birth, just in time for November. He flipped the page and exclaimed, “the innkeeper!” And what does the innkeeper say, according to Seth? “I sorry.” It’s my favorite.
I’m driving myself home for Thanksgiving, a first for me, and when there I will get to show my mom the newly pierced ears. I’m not contributing to the main meal, so my dish will be wit with a side of enthusiasm. But if you are cooking the meal this year, Tom Colicchio would like to help you out. I don’t need your tips Tommy, I need you to come to my house. This year we are exchanging Christmas presents at Thanksgiving… perhaps a new Schell tradition. So I scurried out to Baby Gap and spent all my money on baby gifts including some awesome glow-in-the-dark skeleton pajamas for the girls. Which led me to chat with a co-worker about footie pajamas – miss ‘em, regret not buying the adult ones when they were at Wal-Mart, and wish Jamie would wear hers.
Now on to more random topics, the first of which is Moss Rock. Didn’t go so well, nobody was pulling out their dolla dolla bills y’all. But it was great weather and I/we got to meet Alex Leopold, who is one of our favorites around the Birmingham art shows. Melissa about passed out when he came to my tent, meanwhile I didn’t know why MJ was flipping out. I would like to call us friends now. My other new BFF’s include the 100% cool girls (who sell awesome fabric wallets, scarves, purses, arm things and necklaces). Don’t be jealous, but they’re awesome and 100% cool. And last, but certainly not least, I bought something from my favorite Birmingham artist, Paul Cordes Wilm. I have one small piece from him, but he gave me a great deal on the following item:
While on the topic of music, I should tell you a little story from the Cage the Elephant show that MJ and I went to. It was wild and had two ridiculous openers, one of which had a cherry tree on stage. We left and came back to find a few limbs on the floor so I guess it got destroyed at some point. While we were talking about elephants, Melissa tried to tell me that the Skidamarink Song (skida marinky dink) was from this Nickelodeon show. I told her it wasn’t because my dead grandfather used to sing it to me. He wasn’t dead then but we didn’t have cable, so I knew it was an old song. We looked it up and I won, but Melissa returned the favor by showing me the video of the elephant show’s version of the song. It was awesome and kinda made me sad I grew up without cable.
I think that’s enough for now. Hope you enjoyed the thought scramble and have a sleepy Thanksgiving!